By Becky - 21/08/2009 23:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my family bet me $20 to wear a Disney Princess hat for the entire day around a theme park. I am 17 years old. We decided to go for lunch in one of the restaurants. After we finished, a woman gave my parents a leaflet on how to cope with disabled children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 741
You deserved it 9 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That woman fails. How rude of her to assume that, although you have to admit, it'd be funny to see happen!


why did she even walk around carrying those pamphlets?

foxtrousers 14

The woman should've gotten talked to at the very least but hell, not like having a person not enjoying themselves with family at Disney World. Couldn't pay me to not wear a Disney themed hat

I went to a theme park and got a superman cape with one of my friends we then went to Olive Garden with her parents and the waiter brought us a menu with pictures instead of words and said it was for the 'Slower kids' -_- So I feel your pain

conholio33 28

Wearing a princess hat around a disney park or on a disney cruise is totally normal, wearing one at any other theme park may seem weird

Krissey_DJ 16

maybe I could understand her mistake if you were a guy wearing a princess hat, but your a girl. whatever your age, what's so weird about you wearing a princess hat? I'm 18 and I would voluntarily wear one at Disney world lol

It's normal to wear Disney hats at Disney world/land. The lady had no business giving your parents a pamphlet on disabilities with her assuming you were. That's one thing you never assume. How to cope with disabled children? I hate how we are made to feel like we're burdens.

If you really had been disabled I don't think your parents would need that pamphlet after raising you for 17 years.

I hope your parents slapped her with it.