By Anonymous - 31/12/2014 03:34 - United States - Blacksburg

Today, my elderly neighbour told me why my other neighbours don't talk to me. I'm a massage/physical therapist and treat clients, mostly athletes, in my home. My neighbours saw the steady stream of young, buff guys coming to my house and concluded that I'm a gay prostitute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 035
You deserved it 3 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really were a prostitute it wouldn't be the young, buff and attractive guys seeking your service.

Well now you know how to increase your income.


maybe you are secretly gay but you don't know it?

Because OP is a massage therapist? That. dans that they are gay and do not realize it? Really? So that must mean every physical therapist and massage therapist is gay. May want to think before you make that type of accusation.

I know it's not relevant, but I can't fit it in the allocated spot. My Chinese gf received a call from an unknown number, she answers in English but after realising its a Chinese guy on the other end begins to talk in Chinese, which I don't understand. Her chat becomes very loud, laughing and excitable, even wakes her mother up. After 5 minutes of laughing with this "stranger" she hangs up and excitedly tells me she's had really great news. When I turn and ask her what it was, being the interested bf I am, she pauses for a moment, almost like she realises who she is talking to now and says "can't be bothered to explain" and sticks her head back in her games. Suspicious much?

Well to be fair you are using your hands to give a lot of guys relief. So your neighbors are kind of half right.

wow...your neighbors have ugly assumptions...

So are you? lol.. just kidding... don't listen to them, u don't need judgemental and jealousy ppl in ur life.. u r better without them

People are so invested in others' lives, it's sad. They shouldn't make such big assumptions. But did you tell this particular neighbor your actual occupation? If so, they will probably mention it to the others and they will stop isolating you.

If your services conclude with a happy ending, then you are indeed a prostitute.

Well I think you should just... Love thy neighbour. *weird old uncle laughter* #pun