By jello_bellied_snack_snapper - 23/04/2018 16:00

Today, my daughter was stung by a bark scorpion, requiring a visit to the ER. Luckily, we were seen quickly. Unfortunately, due to a new policy, the medicine used to treat the sting is not available for children as it "might" cause low blood pressure. Awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 077
You deserved it 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well i'm pretty sure the doctors weighed the possibility of the sting against the possible problems the medicine can cause and decided that your daughter would be fine without the medicine. As far as i know bark scropion stings do hurt quite a lot but they aren't lethal unless you are already at a weak constitution or suffer from another sickness that reduces your immune system. Comparable to some hornet stings. So is your daugher okay? (I hope so) My best wishes to her.

Low blood pressure can starve a child's body of oxygen. If severe enough, hypotension in children can cause organ damage including to the heart and brain. It can even turn fatal if not treated soon enough. I understand it's a terrible thing to have to watch your child go through something like this but hospitals, especially non pediatric hospitals, have to be very careful with children . The risk-benefits must always be weighed. A perfectly safe treatment method for an adult can easily be dangerous for a child.


tearbear14 13

Well i'm pretty sure the doctors weighed the possibility of the sting against the possible problems the medicine can cause and decided that your daughter would be fine without the medicine. As far as i know bark scropion stings do hurt quite a lot but they aren't lethal unless you are already at a weak constitution or suffer from another sickness that reduces your immune system. Comparable to some hornet stings. So is your daugher okay? (I hope so) My best wishes to her.

Low blood pressure can starve a child's body of oxygen. If severe enough, hypotension in children can cause organ damage including to the heart and brain. It can even turn fatal if not treated soon enough. I understand it's a terrible thing to have to watch your child go through something like this but hospitals, especially non pediatric hospitals, have to be very careful with children . The risk-benefits must always be weighed. A perfectly safe treatment method for an adult can easily be dangerous for a child.

I’m sure the doctors really love the medical opinions from the general public. Watching some pharmaceutical ads is pretty much the same as going to medical school and residency.