By Hard in flip flops - 21/01/2018 06:00

Today, my dad walked in on me jerking off. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t Skyping my boyfriend, while both of us were totally naked. I had just told him to “put those toes in your mouth and I’ll cum like you’ve never seen before”. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 901
You deserved it 4 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's any consolation, he's if anything even more scarred by the whole situation than you are.

That must have been awful for all of you. Now that it’s happened, I guess you’ll be more on your toes to stop it from happening again


And he yelled, “You’re ripping off MY move! Why do you think Mom gets four pedicures a week?!?!”

If it's any consolation, he's if anything even more scarred by the whole situation than you are.

did you finish? it would be worse to be given a pearl necklace by your son..

While looking dead in the eyes of his father.

azouwa 26

The sat part is.... I can relate. my mom once walked in on me and a bf skyping. FML/FYL

thats horrible. Thank you for your service!

What service? Jacking off on Skype?

manb91uk 22

This is without a doubt the funniest, cringiest thing I’ve read in weeks! I love it!

That must have been awful for all of you. Now that it’s happened, I guess you’ll be more on your toes to stop it from happening again

Funny you mentioned feet. I have a feeling you like them...

Lobby_Bee 17

F your dad's life for having seen that.

Nic1330 5

I have nothing against gay people but I feel like this was between 2 guys