By adopteddd - 28/06/2011 14:30 - United Kingdom

Today, my Dad sat me down and told me that I was adopted. I was unbelievably shocked by this revelation and asked him why he'd never told me this before. His response was, "I didn't know!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 572
You deserved it 3 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait. . . What? Did his wife have a faked birth and secret adoption?


Emmi3xo 4

At least it wasn't your mom who thought you were adopted.

curlyhead00 0

that's messed up! but kinda humorous too. hope it gets better!!!!

Just curious, how exactly could this situation "get better"?

Snafuusmc 12

I would love to hear part 2 of this story

seriously. I really would like to know how that could happen

brookig 10

Me too. Like an update later on to find out the truth and what really happen? So sorry OP. Good luck.

maybe your mom got really fat and didn't want him to know so she said she was pregnant.. then secretly adopted you and he never knew until recently? its a possibility

But then she "gave birth" and all the fat just magically went away (besides the stretch marks)? So what, she went to the hospital when she "went into labor" and told them to fake that she was giving birth and had them actually suck the fat out of her stomach? I actually loved ur comment though and thumbed it up but I was bored and decided to point this out.

No! Think about this a little and it becomes obvious this is just totally bogus. The adoption process is long and tediously legal, there are interviews with the prospective parents, inspections of the home and reams of paperwork to be filled out. I know because I was adopted and one of my grand children was adopted.