Great timing

By Earl_KarmasBitch - 08/12/2022 11:00 - Iceland

Today, having made absolutely sure I wouldn't have work until 4 p.m., I slept peacefully to recover from staying up till 5 a.m. to watch my country in the World Cup. Until at 8 a.m., someone on the floor above started drilling. No one has done any drilling day or night in the last six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 748
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you just never know when you're suddenly going to need some crude oil.


Well, you just never know when you're suddenly going to need some crude oil.

My team did win. Funnily enough, they stopped drilling half an hour later so after giving it 20 minutes more just to be sure I got back into bed only for them to start up again a minute later.

You should have just recorded it and gone to bed at a decent hour to be safe.