By dom - 08/09/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my boyfriend yawned while I was giving him head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 312
You deserved it 33 844

Same thing different taste


I'm gonna put it this way. At least he let's you do that. I've been basically begging my boyfriend to have sex with me for the past 2 weeks and it has yet to happen...he just gets high and passes out every night. And he wants to know why I'm so irritable.

b1tches808 4
lambo3 0

**** YOU 52 people like you piss me off! so sexist! I bet you don't have a gf or wife cuz your such a little bitch about girls and think they have cooties and that there purpose in life is to serve you and your small ass penis! I bet your mom even hate you cuz of it.

yawning is a result of not enough oxygen to the brain, not cause he's tired. more blood in the penis = less in the brain. less blood in the brain = less oxygen.

briissocoollike 8

Yawning is your body saying it needs more oxygen. You also yawn when your tired because your breathing pattern changes. He was probably tired or got really excited and wasn't breathing right so his body said it needed oxygen.