By lazy pregnant girl - 05/07/2012 19:34 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that because he works fifty hours a week, I should be meeting an arbitrary quota of fifty hours of housework, and if I don't, I'm insensitive and ungrateful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 805
You deserved it 10 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't normally bash OP's significant other, but considering your name, I'd say he's either pulling your leg, or he's kind of a dick.

I would be happy with a girlfriend who did 5 hours of house work..


Just clean the house and give him more sex.

trueblue170 13

You must be dating my ex husband.

If you're not working then yes you should be cleaning up. Doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl.

My mom is visiting my fiance and i for a few days and i have been cleaning the apartment on and off for three days. It doesn't take much, but like #97 said, just do little tidy's up. And if by CLEAN he means moving heavy furniture and what not to really clean then you might want to get a doctors note stating that you cannot lift heavy or move heavy objects. I mean that is if he wants you to keep the baby.

PerfectMistakes 8

I was so confused about the "keep the baby" part... But then I read the name of the poster...

Can't this guy find the right job for himself & stop taking out his bitterness on you & the unborn child? If you hate your job so much you can't put in 10hrs overtime, you're in the wrong place! It's not as if the overtime is unpaid. I can only speak for myself, but I'd be happy to work an extra 10hrs/wk @ time&1/2 pay & skip all the way to the bank, laughing. Also, has he thought of putting some of the extra income toward a cleaning service? Better watch out, this same guy may expect your baby to pitch in on cleaning, get a part-time job, or even breastfeed itself. FYL.

Llamacod 11

I see your name isn't accurate. just because you get 1.5x pay for overtime doesn't mean everyone does. did you ever think that there isn't "extra pay" and that all the money is already spoken for with bills and groceries?

Sounds fair to me? Get a job and work fifty hours a week, or clean the house an equivalent of fifty hours a week. Unless you're just a selfish lazy slob I guess...

Llamacod 11

wooow so much for feminism

with pregnancy you are rewarded, with a child, with a new human, with a complete or soon to be complete family. with work, you are rewarded money, which will probably be spent on the baby and other stuff needed to raise the family (i.e bills, school, etc) if OP's bf is willing to work 50 hours a week, i assume that is about 10 hours a day if he doesn't work on weekends, then "dick" or "douche" must be removed from the list of words that descirbe him. period. he's probably just stressed out, and pregnant or not, OP needs to put some amount of effort. 50 hours, too much, but otherwords she should stop being a pussy.

monkiki62 5

Um he works his ass off to support you. Being a housewife is the easiest job ever come on. Ydi.