By lazy pregnant girl - 05/07/2012 19:34 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that because he works fifty hours a week, I should be meeting an arbitrary quota of fifty hours of housework, and if I don't, I'm insensitive and ungrateful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 805
You deserved it 10 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't normally bash OP's significant other, but considering your name, I'd say he's either pulling your leg, or he's kind of a dick.

I would be happy with a girlfriend who did 5 hours of house work..


He forgot to include the fifty sandwiches a day you'll have to make for him too.

sxyandiknowit 4

Um.... In wondering why he has a job and you don't? Unless you have kids, sittin on your ass at home is unacceptable. Being in school is no excuse either, plenty of part time jobs out there. I'm with your bf, F his life for having to do all the work!

And what if she's on ordered bed rest because of her pregnancy? self empowered and strongly felt of equal rights...until they actually get treated equally n suddenly they are delicate again...

all u girls bitchin about bein pregnant prevents u from doin shit is an excuse. i had a manager who was prego and she didnt take time off til the last couple weeks or so, pullin 40 plus a week. she had to do her own house work since she lived alone. grow up and accept responsiblity. its not goin to kill her to do sum dishes or vacuum a room once a week.

I want to feel a little bad or sorry for you. But I can't, I watched my Uncle who works 12 hours shift, with a 45 minute lunch break comes home to a dinner that he had to make and prepare himself. While his wife sat around in their bedroom all day. (Lunch he eats out. Why? His wife a.k.a. ny aunt ain't awake yet. His Lunch is at 12 in the AFTERNOON.)

Just be happy your boyfriend has a job. Now quit complaining and make him a sandwich like a good girl.

Well it goes without saying you both should contribute but your growing a human, ask him how many hours that counts as

being in the same shoes as your boyfriend........get off your ass and do something once in a while, show your appreciation to your bread winner