By Anonymous - 29/12/2010 11:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he loved me for the very first time in three years. Apparently, all it took was anal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 671
You deserved it 13 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It used to be "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach," but now it is apparently "the way to a man's heart is through your asshole." On the other hand, I wouldn't trust an "I love you" that is said right after anal -- he's probably talking shit.


Insomniasenemy 6

Anal eww never in my life will I do that!

MeggieManiacal 0

@197, why want to? It is a gross place to put something...not to mention painful! (Personal experience. My bf was texting and missed once.)

sugarbear0727 19

I love anal. Of course it hurts at first, but after a minute or two, you should be fine. My boyfriend does want me to get a strap-on and do him anally. He's got quite a few unique things he likes. He is a very open minded person, and has 5 more years experience than I do, so I usually try things he likes to see if I'll like it. He likes feet, he wants me to pee on him, he wants me to do him anally. Everyone is different. Don't fault people for what they do in the bedroom because you've never tried it, or simply because you don't like it. If it feels good to them, leave your damn opinions to yourself.

I would hate to tell you all this... But the anus is easily loosened. The ****** bounces right back. The anus, however, does not. It can actually need stitches and/or a surgery to tighten it so that you can be able to "hold it in" after having sex with it so much. The anus is a thin membrane, since it really is just the end of your bowels, and it's only able to stretch to a certain point. The ****** also self lubricates, and is made for sex, so it DOESNT contain deadly bacteria and, well, crap. It's not safe to have anal sex for many reasons.

You seriouly stayed with him for 3 years without him saying he loved you?

iceberg 10

An I love you during sex doesn't count