By Angelofkarma - 25/05/2009 18:05 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend of 2 years took me to get a tattoo done with his name on. He paid for it. After it was done he told me it was over between us and he thought it'd be a nice reminder of him for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 315 198
You deserved it 173 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man! You shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place! But what a asshole!

People need to learn not to tattoo their boyfriend/girlfriend's names on them.


well you shouldn't of gotten it in the first place but what an asshole.

That's why you should NEVER get tattoos with names on them!

FYL because you had a douchebag boyfriend. YDI because you should have known better than to do something stupid like that.

This is why you never put your lover's name on you. Ever. I love my wife, but I'm not putting her name on me anytime soon, if ever. You just never know what might happen.

What. A. Douchebag. Though, you do deserve it because logic dictates that ANY tattoo with the name of ANY significant other is a bad idea.

#56: You must be one of those feminists who think women are superior to men. Irritating.

awww hun...i'm sorry. at least he didn't make you pay for it...

YDI. Never get someone's name or photo on you unless you're related by blood (father, mother, children, etc). Get some Wrecking Balm

WOW. wrong decision. I'd never tattoo some guy's name on me (;