By TLT - 16/11/2009 18:12 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came over to celebrate our anniversary. He had a card written in crayon with my name spelled wrong, and a basket I had seen his mother throw in the trash filled with flower petals ripped from my mom's garden. Our anniversary was 3 days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 469
You deserved it 5 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

g_love_glove 0

It sounds like he did great, your boyfriend is 5 years old, right?

It doesn't say you dated for long, but he sounds like a really crappy guy. On the other hand, crayons are cute, the thought counts, then again, if he fails to spell your name...oh god


Yeah you totally deserve it for being a damned PEDOPHILE

Usually I'd tell you you're just lucky that he remembered (sort of) your anniversary, but this is just insulting. Seems to me that he just did a halfass job to shut you up. Personally I'd rather get nothing at all than a basket that was found in the trash and a bunch of petals that were swiped from my parent's garden.

ummmmm...well its the thought that counts, right...?

The crayon bit would have been cute if he hadn't been so childish about the rest of it...Though you can forgive the misspelled name. I'm 18 years old and my aunts still spell my name with "ie" or "y" when they give me cards.

I'm almost 18 and that's how I spell my name reguardless. ;D The OP's boyfriend is an idiot though.

Ahaha. This reminds me of Valentine's Day with my boyfriend this year. He gave me a bunch of bizarre knick-knacks in a bag that said something like "Thanks for visiting!" (It looked like a goodie bag from the dentist's office.) and a box of sweetheart candies with my name (misspelt) on it in his clumsy handwriting, which made it look like an 8-year-old had written it. It was so cute I nearly died. We hadn't been dating very long and my name is pretty unusual (Allegra) and often misspelt so that part didn't really bother me, either.

bosshaug 0

Creative break up by the boyfriend

mendel_fml 0

Maybe the BF is poor and creative - or he's cheap and thought something up at the last minute, I really can't tell.

Usually, I'd say that it IS the thought that counts, but...since he spelled your name wrong and gave you something he plucked out of the waste bin and a bunch of flower petals he STOLE from your own mother's yard, I'd have to say FYL. He's a ******' idiot. Distant aunts, uncles, and senile grandparents, I can forgive for misspelling my name. But a BOYFRIEND? That's just stupid. Now, if he'd given you a bucket of Twizzlers after you mentioned you loved Twizzlers....well, then... :D

It's the trash part that really REALLY grosses me out. I mean, it's one thing if he takes one of his mother's baskets and fills it with flowers. That would be adorable. But to pick a ruined basket out if the WASTE-BIN? Where, presumably, other trash including food matter is sitting? UGH! That's DISGUSTING!