By notsexy - 28/07/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came over so that we could have some "fun". It turns out, his idea of foreplay is squishing my breasts together and making them talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 762
You deserved it 8 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I lol'd. But here's a thing. Us guys are clueless. If something doesn't feel good, or if he's doing something wrong... tell him. He will correct himself, and it'll be much easier for the both of you.

deathbunny256 0

"Hewwo! My name is Ms Boob! And you aw?"


ReinaJay 13

haha u make it seem like its bad theres actually guys that do alot worse its adorably cute i think

lol thats awesome. i would totally do that.

HayItsHaley 0

So boys, how would you like it if us girls grabbed your testicles and squished them together and made them talk?

it actually sounds fun, but not the type you should actually do so fyl.

yuki1990 0

Foreplay? yeah he's pathetic, i'd make him go research what foreplay really was.

SarahBabyCakes05 0

hahahaha duuuuude; your boyfriend is about as mature as a 12yearold kid looking at **** for the first time.

wow. this made me realize that thats my boyfriends idea of foreplay too... fml.

Just be glad he didn't pull out a pair of glasses.