By em - 05/02/2011 09:32 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend came home drunk. As he got home he asked me to marry him, I was going to say yes until he said, "Oh wait, wrong woman." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 275
You deserved it 5 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor you! When he's sober, punch him. That should get rid of the pain of his hangover. :)


ha! you have to get a Guy hammered to get him to propose to you even then he changes his mind

Changing his mind is one thing but saying it to the wrong girl he is cheating on is another.

FML_CDF90622 0

Oooooooooo! If he was my boyfriend I would've soooooo kicked his idiotic drunk ass.

u knew he was drunk yet you still was about to say yes...really

Why say yes to a drunken proposal... Wow...

tpg1910 2

If I were you I wouldn't even acknowledge a drunken proposal. So don't feel bad, he's wasted and u'll be there when he wakes up in the morning feelin like an ass.

First off why would you agree to say yes to a drunk guy? Desperate. Second, kick his ass, not only is he cheating on you, you are not the one he wants to marry.