By ktinanic - 30/12/2011 17:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, severing all forms of communication but one: Words With Friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 074
You deserved it 3 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should make all your words insulting :)

Same thing happened to my friend, except after a couple of turns he resigned with "what's the point of playing words with friends if we're not friends?"


Words With Friends is pretty addicting...

You have to admit that it was a creative way to break up. Or, he was just lazy.

ThatLooksSticky 16

Quit your current game, change your username, have a good cry, then move on. :)

perdix 29

Our HR Department is glomming onto the popularity of this game. Now, if we need to make a medical claim, we have to play Benefits with Friends.

Iknoweverything 29

I think you should sever the last form of communication. Words with friends is incredibly passive aggressive. Don't let any friends tell you anything he wants them to tell you. He's obviously too immature, so be the adult, and move on! Your friends will appreciate it too.

leeshyleeshy 6

Well for words with friends that wasn't so friendly 0.o

wow pathetic coward lol has to do it over virtual scrabble game than to your face