By Anonymous - 15/12/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me why girls don't have armpit hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 831
You deserved it 6 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

reminds me of the time a kid in my heath class though girls peed out there ******


kaleid0scopeEyes 0

only fat girls have armpit hair

Well least he actually asked. Least he didn't lift your arm up every morning and lick it to check whether a) you have arm pit hair and b) If you sweated like a piggy. Then reported his findings to an international Men conference. That's an FYL. Buy him a book on women's bodies or better yet some ****.

"...a book on women's bodies or better yet some ****." "I say potato, you say potahto, potato, potato, oysters, ursters, let's call the whole thing off"

schwinn11 0

Like I said, mother ****'n yuppie, i bet you're going to applebees for ***'n free your birthday peach cobler. YEAH- you rule!! High five'n your 2 friends while your hit'n on some waitress that normally wouldn't give you the time of day

Technically body hair has nothing to do with hygiene, since hygiene is more about bacteria and so on, whereas body hair is not considered attractive but is not "dirty". Though OP, you need to come here and tell us how old your boyfriend is, because if he is above the age of 12 we should all be worrying about how uneducated some people are.

Sounds like a pretty big thing not to know about the female body... I would say it's an FML because she's dating someone who is either a dumbass, extremely sheltered, or whose only previous experience with women is watching ****.

oh_dee 0

Look at it on the bright side: at least you know that you've got good hygiene (at least when it comes to shaving)...unless you're like 13, that is...

How is this an FML??? Sounds like an MLIA to me.

somepartsareme 0

27, I love how you defend yourself from a stereotype, then instantly call him a stupid American without even looking at his nationality. Nice.

And this is where I miss a 'who cares' button..

whoa, 64, there used to be a "who cares" button? where do we sign the petition to get it back?

Not that I know of, but we could sign a petition to get one anyway.

shut_the_hell_up 0

Really!? Did he just get here from Italy?