By Anonymous - 01/04/2011 04:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were lying in bed together, and I was in a snuggly mood. I rolled over to gaze lovingly into his eyes and whisper sweet nothings to him in the darkness. His response? "Dear God! Did somebody fart in your mouth?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 727
You deserved it 36 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damn, girl, brush yo teefs! |the kid|

mintcar 9

YDI for smelly breath. Although, he could've been a lot nicer about it.


You're an idiot. Have you never heard of morning breath? How rude of you.

moderatersdick 0

that's y u dnt do those things in tha morning...CTFU!!!

jasmiin_fml 0

i can see ur boyfriends face, all facial hair just evaporating out of existence. hit the deck! shes about to blow ;3 you've been warned.

QueenQuay77 10

wtf that shit prolly almost killed him lmao! no bueno!!