By Anonymous - 05/12/2016 18:22

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex in the same bed my dog pooped in because we were both too polite to ask the other person why they smelt like shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 202
You deserved it 5 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There needs to be a YDI option here. You're gross for sleeping with someone who smells like feces.

WeirdUS 29

You thought the other person smelled like shit and you still slept with them ? neither of you suggest to the other person maybe take a shower? Gross


WeirdUS 29

You thought the other person smelled like shit and you still slept with them ? neither of you suggest to the other person maybe take a shower? Gross

What confuses me more is that you are aware that you own a dog, yet when smelling poop, you don't even consider that it might not be your partner.

There needs to be a YDI option here. You're gross for sleeping with someone who smells like feces.

it can't even happen to me because I don't have a dog or sex.

OP clearly said their dog pooped on the bed, not that the boyfriend smelt like poop.

OP clearly said they both thought the other smelled like shit.

But OP didn't know that at the time, #8.

Xquisite1 28

#26 There wasn't a YDI option at first. It was originally "that could've happened to anyone". apparently FML staff changed it.

Yeah it seems every time someone comments this I have the button on my app. They must be going back and changing them.

They have a "That could have happened to anyone" button while FMLs are being moderated.

samomaha 17

LOL! I was sipping my ice water when I read this. I think I just waterboarded by monitor!

Canadians are polite yes, but not stupid thank you.

YDI since you knew there was dog poo in the bed and you couldn't even be decent enough to say something. That's pretty disgusting.

I'm assuming they didnt find the poop until after they were done and looked at the bed or something. they didn't speak up at first because they didn't want to ask if it was the other person that smelled to avoid being rude or ruining the time.

I still would have spoken up about it. It probably could have been much more enjoyable if it didn't smell like dog poop.

That is some great "powering through adversity" to complete the sex act! I almost want to quit if she coughs!

Sometimes it's okay to be blunt and say, "Hey it smells like dog shit in here." I mean how does that not kill the mood?

WeirdUS 29

If that didn't kill the mood I dunno. I get being polite but damn. You got a wonder how low was the bar set.

#24 I think that bar was practically non-existent.

baybkayks 18

Sounds a little like you guys aren't comfortable enough with eachother. I understand that it's not necessarily easy to approach someone questioning their hygiene because they might take offense, but if you can't ask an honest question to the person you're sleeping with... Then idk, OP. You need to establish mutual understanding with eachother so you can discuss these things openly and without fear of judgement to avoid issues like this in the future.