By Anonymous - 24/08/2009 15:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and his parents met my family. My grandpa thought it would be funny to walk around with a realistic gun and make references about being in the mafia. The rest of my family went along with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 495
You deserved it 5 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you have an awesome family. At least he didn't pretend to be a nudist....


LOL wow i wish my family was that gangsta with it jk, but it would be nice if they played a joke like that on one of my boyfriends XD

PonPonPattaPon 0

That's awesome! I would tell my family to do that if my boyfriend hadn't already met them.

Oh, man, FYL for having an awesome family. Truly. If your boyfriend and/or his family didn't find it funny they're a bunch of twats.

pen_island21 0

that's not rele an FML cuz it's just hilarious