By that violates the Geneva conventions - 05/08/2016 09:33 - United States - Simi Valley

Today, my boss ordered me to read the Twilight series in order to determine if they are "appropriate" for his daughter to read. I'm a 25-year-old bank teller, and I definitely don't remember this in my job description. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 455
You deserved it 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's an order from your boss then presumably you can read the books at work on full pay? Although personally I'd rather be working!

I've known sadistic bosses, but that takes the cake! Any chance you can tell yours that based on what you've heard, those books aren't appropriate for anyone to read?


The books are awful, no substance, almost no character development and the relationship between Bella and Edward meet all the criteria for an abusive relationship, that's all you really need to know.

68 You need better reading comprehension skills.

jcash52426 5

If your getting paid to read the book ok company time then I guess is ok. Like someone commented before I would rather be doing my actual job. But couldn't your boss just call up the local. Bookstore or library and ask them. And what if your opinion about the book doesn't being ok or not for his teen daughter. The same as what his opinion. If it the same then ok. But if not your going to get blamed. Better off not doing it

nicolai44 12

I see two options here: 1. After a week or so, explain to your boss that the books are so boring, you keep falling asleep. You've only made it fifteen pages into the first book in a week, so it'll probably take you the rest of the year to finish it, let alone the remaining books. Hope he forgets about this order within the month. If not, just keep giving him ridiculously slow progress reports upon request until he stops asking. 2. After a week or so, explain to your boss that they're the best books you've ever read, and *everybody* of *all* ages - especially his daughter - should drop what they're doing and read these books immediately! After his daughter reads the books, it is highly unlikely your boss will ever ask you for something like this again. Downside - your valid opinions of anything at work will likely be disregarded after this as well.

I agree with you ,I actually like the books.I bet half the people saying the suck hasn't actually read them.

Aslong as you get paid for it you should be fine. You wont have to worry about customers bothering you all you have to worry about is that book haunting your nightmares for the rest of your life.

Aslong as you get paid for it you should be fine. You wont have to worry about customers bothering you all you have to worry about is that book haunting your nightmares for the rest of your life.

So tell him no. If he fires you go to hr.

If she is under 18. Then NO. They are not appropriate. Violence and Graphic sexual content. (Source: bad decisions made in middle school.)

You're saying that it would be inappropriate for a 16-17 year old who probably already had sex? Definitely makes sense. Also, books are meant to teach. Not to show perfect examples of life.

WorryNot 19

Tell him to watch the movie

kitsuneluvuh 12

Whatever the daughter's age, the answer is 'no'