By soon to be unemployed - 28/01/2014 22:36 - United Kingdom - Southampton

Today, my boss let me know that I'm being laid off, via a text message that ended in "lmao". FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 685
You deserved it 3 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have sent a pic of your middle finger


ileenefudge 29

I would keep the text message. Take it to a higher up as proof if you need it when you talk to someone in upper management if they give you issues about it. Maybe he will get fired and you can have his job. Even if you don't get your job back at least the other guy doesn't get the benefit of having one if he's that immature and unprofessional. You might not be the first one he has done this too either so he probably thinks he can get away with it.

skyeyez9 24

I am thankful for having a good natured, laid back boss. Seems like a rare thing these days.

How? You can't sure somebody over your feelings getting hurt

Technically if you have money you can sue anybody for any reason, you might not win but some people make no sense. Like the man who was robbing a house and hurt himself on the broken glass in the windowsill he was climbing in and out of and sued the couple who owned the house because he was hurt while in their home and he actually won. Sorry that was really off topic but it proves how asinine the world is.

Your ex-boss sounds like an ass. You'll probably get a better boss and be paid more! Keep your head up! :D

Atleast your boss has a sense of humor!

It sucks but don't let it get you down, OP. I bet you'll find a better job. :)

My boyfriend and I were both fired from the same company on the same day two months ago via text message. I feel your pain.

Absolutely positively disgraceful. First off, how on EARTH can it be appropriate to fire someone via text message? Secondly, I'm pretty sure no-one's laughing at all when they lose their job! If I were you, OP, I'd seriously consider some form of action for unfair dismissal.

It's not an unfair dismissal he's being Laid Off...Not fired or Sacked or Shitcanned. Laid off is usually when you're told that due to cost saving measure's you will be let go on a certain date (Usually the last payday of the month. However the "lmao" shows lack of professional conduct and that the ex-boss is a bit of a cuntychops, but it's not illegal to be a bad person sadly