By Anonymous - 08/09/2009 20:48 - Canada

Today, my boss fired me because a coworker had seen me reading magazines on the job. That same coworker was the one who offered me the magazine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 113
You deserved it 7 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because she offered you the magazines didn't mean you had to read them at work.....perhaps during your break would have been more appropriate......but at the same time ya your co-worker is a total prick....

Sneaky ******* bastard. Getting you fired so that he could take your place on the pulpit of eternal glory that is your position.


ok first of allll if the boss knew about this then he's a total douchebag and hey btw if i were u i would quit *** these motherfuckers

whatever job you have, you must be reaalllyyy disposable

Not OPs fault. The boss didnt see her reading the magazine. The co-worker snitched on her after providing her the magazine. That's entrapment.

steffreestar 0

I feel your pain. I once had a co-worker who said that our boss really enjoyed the "flaming paper bag of dog shit on the front steps" joke, and that I should stay and watch to receive my congratulations, a promotion and a raise. He was evidently misinformed.

well let your boss know! stand up for your self! take action in stead of wrighting an fml. RI

You get fired for that? After reading a magazine ONCE?