By ex-employee - 02/04/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, my boss came up to my desk to talk about a new project. He came up to my monitor so we can go to a website. My browser had frozen and I couldn't close it. The tabs I had open: Facebook, Gmail, Careerbuilder, Monster, and Resume Samples. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 097
You deserved it 69 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jcsati8 0
JillianIsLoveee 0

Not if their boss wanted them to go to a website.


voice_of_reason 0

#41 - his browser was frozen and he needed to show the boss a website. So minimizing everything would only buy a slight reprieve, if it worked at all. #35, that was already suggested multiple times and already upended by #16; that's too slow, especially when your browser is frozen; 30 seconds is too long to possibly slip past the boss who just walked up. Mac users: **** all of you.

liquidpaper 0

I would click "you deserved it" because you really shouldn't be looking for a new job while at your current job. But I'm in no position to criticize because I do the exact same thing. *sheepish grin*

Just say that you were looking for jobs for your friend or family member =]

Work is for work, play around on your own damn time with your own damn computer. YDI

Props to #4, Perhaps, OP, this is the kick up the arse you needed to find that new job. Could turn out to be a good thing if you don't like what your currently doing :) Good luck OP.

kellster 2

Uh, yeah. A tad stupid to be doing that at work, don't you think??

Agreed with #49, who searches that at work??

AntiChrist7 0

if you don't even know ctrl+alt+del , it would be no wonder if they sacked you.

Can be recovered if your a fast talker. Tell the boss your good for nothing brother/son has crashed at your place after being fired. You wanted him out of the house and working ASAP.