By blind_loser - 12/07/2009 01:19 - United States

Today, my best guy friend set me up on a blind date. Almost immediately after the guy and I sat down, he excused himself to make a call. A couple of feet away from our table, I heard him say, "Come on, Justin, this is the best you could do??" Over the phone. Justin is the guy who set us up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 717
You deserved it 3 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Orchid_fml 2

that's why you don't go on blind dates .

When he comes back you should be sitting at the table talking to your "friend" "Yea, no he's a little under average looking, kind of awkward. Oh hey, I'll call you later, he's coming back." Make sure he hears you.


MadaFaka_fml 0

In such case always forget u r wallet at home, anyway don't pay even if u can afford.. like they say: u pay for ur mistakes so let him pay for you.

manyourlifesucks 0

My names justin. Just thought id point that out

Orchid_fml 2

that's why you don't go on blind dates .

olisykes_ 0

exactly. blind dates are for sad people with bad social skills.

u makin fun of sad ppl with bad social skillz? cuz ur making me cry so much that ill never talj to anyone again

Agreed. I refuse to go on blind dates and feel as though they really are for people who are too shy or too bad with men to go up to them themselves. I just meet men the normal way, by going up and talking to them its not hard, either they are interested or not, but its no skin off my back if they are nor interested

anonymous100000 17

this happens oftens. both guys and girls do it. I'm sorry OP. FYL

i agree with #2... anyway guy sounds like a douche. f his life, get on with yours


I agree, that guys is a fag. OP, don't worry about him, he is the type that pays prostitutes and the like. Don't worry if he judges your outsides, it is your insides people should feel good about.

When he comes back you should be sitting at the table talking to your "friend" "Yea, no he's a little under average looking, kind of awkward. Oh hey, I'll call you later, he's coming back." Make sure he hears you.

Awesome idea. She could be even more offensive though, after what he did to her.

you are the kind of people that cause us to live without peace.... turn the other shoulder, who cares what the fag said.. a vengeful comeback will get you nowhere

Achall91 17

Says the one who uses the term "fag". Your the asshole.

hahahahahah u must be fugly (fen ugle)

Should have let him know you heard, and said you agree, you were wanting to ask Justin the exact same thing.

rustyrox 0

What a duche, don't let that get to you.. I would have walked out right then, I hope you did!!

Imawhalerider 0

Order the most expensive thing there. Make him diereheaa money.