By anonymous - 30/06/2010 04:05 - United States

Today, my aunt and I wanted to do something nice. So we made cookies for a local nursing home. After tasting them, nobody ate any. FML
I agree, your life sucks 392
You deserved it 72

Top comments

I volunteer at a nursing home and just as 54 said, you can only give food to someone who is a relative. I used to buy diet coke for my grandfather when I went there :) and it's not like they can't have sweets. The nursing home I go to has an ice cream parlor and anyone who wants some can have some if they go there!


If a complete stranger offered you homemade cookies, would you eat them? YDI.

some people may be watching their weight, cholesterol, high blood pressure, ect. other than that, maybe they need to be fed through tubes.

superbadd 0

you forgot that they couldve lost their dentures

So, you gave cookies to people with heart conditions and diabetes and you expect them to eat it. Good job...

21 that's a very sensible comment op what you trying to do? if the oaps don't won't them leave them for the cookie monster that usually visits nursing homes at night

lexxiii 17

YDI. You shouldn't care that nobody ate them, you should be happy that you took time out of your day to make cookies for them.

msDiGi 0

probably because they weren't sugar free? they are elderly after all. they might have diabetes.

dugumit 0

nursing home? majority of elderly people are either low sodium or low sugar diets. good plan.

iCommentFML 0

They're old people. cookies can be hard to chew for them. dumbass.