By BonusForDaddyIssues - 29/01/2018 00:00 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my 8-year-old niece came over to visit. As usual, she borrowed my husband's phone to play with, only this time she wanted to look at photos. That's how we both found out he'd been sexting a 16-year-old girl and saving the pictures to his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 209
You deserved it 403

Top comments

queenwolfblood 8

I'm so sorry that had to you. I hope you called the police on him and got some pay back . and hopefully your niece didn't ask to many questions. about what it was.


Lobby_Bee 17

If she was in ****, she would be in a MILF category.

Krymson🖤 9

you should be glad that you found out

bull... bull... how did this 16 year old never message when the phone wasn't with the 8 year old... I'm totally calling your husband a pedo

****** up and a serious FML, and your life does suck but YDI on the potential scarring your child now faces cause she didn't have her own tablet at the least. RCA has 40 dollar ones on Amazon btw

julfunky 29

1. NOT her child so it isn’t her responsibility to get her anything 2. 8 years old is young and doesn’t need her own tablet at that age

davidgrmedina 3

I think it's funny everyone is freaking out about this saying she is a child and doesn't know what she is doing, but when we all know most of our grandmas were 14, 15, out even 16 years old, while our grandpa's were in their twenties or early thirties. She knew damn well what she was doing and I bet she loved the idea of having a sophisticated married man that want hers giving her attention. Most teenage girls crave and fantasies about this scenario all the time.