By dukebluedevils13 - 05/08/2011 01:47 - United States

Today, my 5 year old fish died. As I was flushing him, he started swimming again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 259
You deserved it 8 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bwenduh45 7

Maybe he'll escape like nemo...

It's his plan! He wants to go back to the ocean! Evil genius he is ;)


This kinda happened to me except I was burying the fish. He started moving when I set him in the ground, so I was able to save him. Yes I bury fish. It's more respectful.

Guess he died for sure this time if he's in the sewer with all your sh*t

dude this is so sad I have a fish and I love him so much. people just don't understand fish love

dbt88 15

Similar happened to me. It had ick and was tangled in the plants and wouldn't swim when loose so we assumed it died, and it swam once it hit the water ...with bleach in it. FYL OP

BoogersYummy 0

the adventure continues of finding nemo

Honey, dead fish often have spasms. I had an aquarium for about a decade, and it shook me to, but it's really quite normal. Your fish was probably dead.

linzjune 0