By andy - 01/01/2010 14:12 - United States

Today, my 4 year old daughter was looking at a magazine cover with a well endowed model showing off her clevage. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, when I grow up will I have big round boobies like her or tiny pointy ones like you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 542
You deserved it 4 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks!! I feel ya, I'm part of the "small boobies" club too! Lol!! Its bad enough that we have to deal with men and their ignorant small boob comments, now they're coming from a 4yr old?!! Don't sweat it sweetie!! Hold those tiny perky boobs high!!! Lol!! :)


You shouldn't have let her look in the magazine in the first place. Also half the models in magazines get like some kind of operations on the breasts to make them bigger.

Effisforfail 0
impatientsnake 4

kids r like little alcoholics

Jeditnkr 0

The smaller the grapes the sweeter the wine!

itsmeppl 0
TheRealEllieSan 9

She was simply looking at a magazine cover, and just because the woman on the cove had large breasts doesn't mean it was a 'dirty' magazine. And breasts are, really, just another part of the human body, so it makes no sense to not let someone look at boobs, unless the owner of the boobs is engaging in inappropriate activity or leaving them over-exposed in a distasteful manner. Don't criticize parenting until you have ALL the facts and think everything through.

In all honestly that's really funny OP. But sad, don't sweat it at least yours aren't fake like some bimbo's. and having big boobs does make your back hurt sometimes. :/