By mommylife - 15/04/2015 04:17 - United States - Schaumburg

Today, my 3-year-old broke his glasses, clogged the toilet with Hot Wheel cars, and covered the whole house with Cheerios. All in a matter of roughly 6 minutes while I was putting laundry away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 785
You deserved it 3 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

have kids they said, it will be fun they said

When I read the part about covering the house with Cheerios, all I could picture was your kid going around the house literally placing the Cheerios one by one all around the house so they'd cover every spot he could get.


There is nothing with more destructive power than a toddler.

This kid is going somewhere. Brooklyn, probably.

valentinov 15

If he's wearing glasses at the age of 3, I don't blame him.

gobiteme2 34

There is an easy fix for this the next time you do laundry. Get “VELCRO” and stick them on the wall next to the pile of clean laundry before putting away.

What I do with my 2 year old is I have him help me put the clothes away. We make I into a fun game and if he makes a big mess he helps clean it up. I give him stickers for a chart I have and if he gets 15 he gets small prizes like little cars. It works wonders and now he's always trying to help.;)

qwertycode 19

I don't think your three-year-old should need glasses, even if his eyesight isn't 20/20 anymore you should still wait a couple of years.

You are kidding, right? If a child gets glasses at that age, it's usually because it's obvious they are having trouble seeing, or an eye defect. Not wearing glasses can cause eye strain and headaches.

Uh, yeah, no. Have you never heard of diseases such as cataracts that can be congenital? Not being able to see at such a critical age can impact a kid's development big time. My brother and I were both born with cataracts, and he had to wear glasses by the age of 2. I didn't get glasses until I was 5, but even then I struggled with social anxiety as it was difficult to see/read people. Learning is delayed as well, because, again, ya kinda need to be able to see to catch on to things..

my 1 year old will somehow find a pen and start writing on walls

tiggerdoc 14

And you will blink and kids are adults moving away getting married and having kids of their own...*cue music*