By notmarriedyet - 01/10/2009 13:28 - United States

Today, it was my wedding day. Everything went great, except that no one showed up. Apparently, the address of the invitation was typed wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 792
You deserved it 16 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jordie210 0

you should have proofread, ydi

Surely you could have phoned someone, postpone it until everyone got there.. and then do the service? How bad of a typo could it have been? And how did you not discuss your venue with your friends and family? It would have come up in conversation if you were talking about your venue and they thought it was somewhere else. I find it hard to believe that no-one noticed.


It's called proofreading. I would think making sure a little thing does not ruin your big day would be important.

i_dunno 3

It's not about who shows up, exept of course the 5 main people. OBVIOUSLY.

I dunno where you're from, but in civilized societies, there are ONLY 2 main people in a marraige.

I think by "main" she means the ones involved in the ceremony. Groom, bride, best man, maid of honor, and clergyperson who is doing the marriage.

mm02 0

You kinda deserved it for not checking the invitations.

foobarbaz 0

You're from Georgia. You're lucky they made it to the right state. stupid can you be? The wedding invitation is one of the most important parts and I would think that you would check something like that thoroughly. YDI for being so ******* stupid!

The bride might know what the place is called but she might not know the address. The printers could have printed the wrong address on the invitations and the bride just assumed it was right because the correct venue was listed just not the address.

I call fake! No bride is unobservant enough to let a mistake like that slide. Besides, SOMEBODY would have known where it was just by knowing the couple. Not buying it. Sorry.

My good friend had her wedding 2 weeks ago, and she misspelled the location on her invite. We still managed to find the correct location. We would of just called if we had to. Wouldn't the main ppl involved know it's location anyways, from rehersals and stuff?

elmyra_duff 0

FAKE! even if the address was wrong, which would totally be your fault, there are CELLPHONES you idiot! people would have reached you somehow to come to the correct address. if you are invited to a wedding and go there and see that there's no wedding there, do you return home? of course not, you call somebody close to bride/groom and learn the correct address. be more creative you jerk!

LOL To bad you don't care enough to reply to the reply you're commenting on, nor to spell out the persons whole (psudo)name, nor to use correct spelling nor punctuation!!!