By psychoticbiatch - 08/04/2012 13:58 - Australia - Perth

Today, it's my 30th birthday. I was having a great night until I overheard my mother say, "I can't believe that thing made it to 30." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 784
You deserved it 2 654

psychoticbiatch tells us more.

No, it wasn't at either of our houses it was at my brothers house, so no, I'm the only 30yr old "thing" there

Top comments

Tell her that if she didn't look like the bride of Frankenstein, she wouldn't have a problem right now.


midnightxloner 1

Stupid ass who thinks he is cool for being first^^

manyourlifesucks 0

I was hoping the first comment would have made me laugh

xXxIracebethxXx 14

JUST disrespectful? I would say that OP's mom is a cold and heartless bitch. I don't even know why OP's mom was around if she was just going to insult him. 19 - So why are you commenting on the second comment?

WhyCantIDoRight 5

I agree 100% Beth, The mom does sound like a ******* cold ass bitch.

Who the **** says that about their child? I'd put her in a home and never visit her. Is that too harsh?

koolkat27 13

27- If anything, that crazy ass bitch needs a harsher punishment.

lavitaebella_fml 0

19 - But there's nothing funny about this FML. It's one of those rare FML's that leave you like >:(

Never too harsh sounds like the right treatment except youll be too harsh on those poor employers who work there who would have to deal with her ****** up insensitive bitchy ass....sorry CNA people for leaving their crazy asses for you to deal with lol but at.least they get paid good for it!!!

:O yikes , how could she say that, thats so cold :| you should've went to her right then and said "thing? What thing? Last time i checked we were both humans?!"

Tell her she gained weight and she looks old. Nothing hurts women as much as these things.

OHai15 12

OP, your mom sounds heartless. Shun her, shun her like you have never shunned anyone before!

Oops #77 was sposed to b a reply to 27 mistake.. Srry :)

Tell her that if she didn't look like the bride of Frankenstein, she wouldn't have a problem right now.

I can't believe it's not butter. But in all seriousness FYL and FYM..

tctheamazing 7

Frankensteins should-of-been wife was a beautiful blonde girl actually. You should read the book, bro.

Dunno why the downvotes 101 but you are right, elizabeth, frankenstein's bride to be was written as a very beautiful and lovely girl inside and out.

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Wtf? #4 I'm pretty sure that the OP's nickname implies that the MOM is the pyschotic bitch. Just sayin'.

chels1994 11

I don't think you're fully understanding the FML...

4, you're the psychotic biatch right now. That was rude :(

Nobody understands that's the persons username...

It not it's a nickname you can put anything

Llamassss 21

4 is just saying that since OP's username is, Psychoticbiach, that maybe the OP is a psychotic bitch and not undeserving their mother's rude comment. Though, I'm sure, the username is just made up for the FML and is directed towards the mother.

Guys, really? It's the name. You don't need to be mean little trolls out to make people sad. It's annoying. The name OP put is psychoticbiatch. Interpret it how you like.

French_Toast_fml 3

Well, if OP is old, I guess their mom is ancient.

That's so rude, sorry oP. Happy birthday!

Oh what a lovely mother you have there, maybe she should chill on being a mega bitch.. Happy Birthday

Kick her ass out and say I cant believe your pyscotic annoying old hag fart ass made it being alive for this long knowing your a cold bitch I thought u would end up in jail or dead because of your loud mouth no one can deal with your bullshit too bad no one has done anything about it but one day some one will give you what you deserve thanks mom have an amazing lonely life bye ****!!!! ill live another wonderful many years to come without you in my life!!!

Happy happy happy ******* birthday!! :D

LegalyWhite 7