By curiousminx - 06/12/2016 02:32 - Australia - Morningside

Today, is my first day as a student nurse. It was also the first day I learnt I was allergic to latex gloves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 975
You deserved it 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can always use nitrile gloves. Hospitals usually use them anyway.

I was under the impression that most places use latex free gloves- it's become a common allergy! Hopefully they can accommodate. Good luck OP!


mann :( that sucks. i hope they offer latex free. good luck OP.

TwinkleToes7 15

Every hospital should offer latex free because patients can be allergic as well. It's not too bad of a problem OP just has to go a little out of the way to find the latex free gloves

I was under the impression that most places use latex free gloves- it's become a common allergy! Hopefully they can accommodate. Good luck OP!

There's nothing quite like an incorrect pedant.

Seems you have got a lesson you need to be learnt yourself

When will you ******* learn? Literally every time there's an FML that has either "learnt" or "learned" in it, some ******** has to try and be the smartest idiot in the comments. Here's a helpful tip, if you're gonna correct someone, make sure you're actually correct. Try to exist in one of two states, either correct, or not sure.

species4872 19

#27 "if you are going to correct someone"

It appears my comment was cut off. Exist in one of two states, either correct or not sure. That way you will very rarely be wrong. Google is an amazing tool.

You can always use nitrile gloves. Hospitals usually use them anyway.

neuronerd 28

Came here to say the same thing. We don't even have latex gloves in the lab I work in, only nitrile.

Surely knowing that you would need to use latex gloves prior to actually going, you should have tried them out before hand YDI

Uh, no. Most gloves used are nitrile. Also, who the **** tries on gloves beforehand and where would you just randomly obtain them?

Actually you can get them pretty much anywhere medicinal supplies are sold, including most grocery stores, and definitely chain based retailers such as Walmart and Walgreens.

I'm aware you can purchase a box of them. However, you don't purchase a single pair of them simply to try on, which this guy is suggesting.

aelarol 5

old nurse here are you allergic to peanuts???/

Presumably because #12 has seen a correlation between having a latex allergy and also having peanut allergies.

The good news is you found out you're allergic to latex condoms the easy way.

Yes but I can't help finding it strange that she hadn't discovered her latex allergy before precisely for this reason? As I see it there are three possible scenarios... 1) She's never had sex and hence never been exposed to condoms (which I find unlikely), 2) she's had sex before but never with condoms (which I find unlikely and risky) or 3) she's had sex before with condoms but coincidentally they've never been latex ones. Oh wait there's also 4) she's a lesbian/asexual. Mmmm the mystery deepens...

Why is it unlikely that she's never had sex?

3) seems somewhat plausible because I, for one, switched to latex-free condoms for reasons unrelated to allergy.

finalyearsofhate 22

The hard way is so much worse. Also, latex allergies can pop up after successfully using latex products for years. It's very likely that's what happened to her. Also latex gloves are usually powdered and a reaction to that is quite common.

Female condoms exist. So the lesbian thing doesn't even make much sense either. Lesbians want to reduce their chance of diseases too. Or really anyone having sex with a woman. Not everyone spends college having sex with people either. So much about that doesn't make much sense.

I'm a nurse and found out I have a latex allergy as a student too. I also discovered that the burning pain felt after sex was not due to friction but the latex condom. Latex free gloves and condoms for me now!

I'm a nurse for 15 years and rarely come in contact with latex. My hospital is a latex fee zone. While you can get latex gloves, it's a lot of effort. The reason the hospital went latex free, people were coming in declaring to have a latex allergy so they would be put in a private room. It was fun to watch the first day we went latex free.

finalyearsofhate 22

Plenty of countries use nt as an acceptable word ending.

finalyearsofhate 22

Good thing hospitals and doctors use nitrile. Lots of people are allergic to latex, so it's not common to use them anymore. Use those instead in your classes. They're just as cheap if you need to provide your own.