By yeah hun i think insects arent animals too - 09/10/2013 07:51 - Germany - Leipzig

Today, I yet again had to pretend to be a dumb bimbo so that my boyfriend wouldn't get upset over the fact that, in some cases, I might be smarter than him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 611
You deserved it 23 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why degrade yourself OP? Intelligence is sexy.

Tell him to just deal with it, don't pretend to be dumb.


smarter than he* Are you SURE you're smarter? I kid, I kid.

I take it your language skills are, of course, excellent when it comes to German language!

smbio 17

I think that there's a lot of context missing here, as in, you might lord it over him (like a know-it-all) or he might be really insecure about the fact that you know more than him about some obscure thing. If this stems from an incident related to your username, I'd have to add that at least from an old-school taxonomic perspective, insects are animals (they are arthropods, which have their own phylum under the kingdom Animalia).

Thank you for pointing out that insects do belong to the animal kingdom.

Op might have lorded it over him, but it seems that she is more than willing to dumb herself down to make him feel better. Even if he feels challenged, she should not have to act like she is stupid just so he can feel better about himself. I don't ask my sister to stop singing because she sings better than me. I don't ask my boyfriend to stop going to the gym because he can lift more than me. I certainly don't ask my best friend to put a bag over her head or stop wearing cute clothing because she is prettier and has more income than me.

I read through all the comments to see if someone mentioned this. And I'm glad you did. Though it isn't just on an old school classification. Currently, everything from myxozoa to platyhelminthes (like tapeworm) to cnidaria (jellyfish) to arthropods (insects) to mammals (us) are in the subkingdom of Eumetazoa translating to true animals.

smbio 17

@79, I'm not really sure the point you're trying to make. None of your examples demonstrate behavior consistent with lording it over someone (if they were to rub it in your face, that would be different). Furthermore, I never said she should do anything, I merely noted that this post lacked enough information for me (or anyone) to make a qualified decision about whether she deserved it or not. Lastly, if she is willing to dumb herself down (I'm quoting you), then why is this on FML?

Ah, I should have been more clear. Firstly, I do not think Op is lording her intelligence over the boyfriend if she is willing to dumb herself down. It is an FML because she obviously feels she has to to make the boyfriend want to be with her. This is unfortunate, because I would have left the moment my partner suggested my intelligence made me less attractive or threatened his own sense of self. The second part (about the singing) was aimed at the boyfriend. My sister and friends have things I would love, and was even jealous of at one point. But I cannot change the world to suit my insecurities. People will always be smarter, prettier, richer and you have to deal with it. The boyfriend needs to learn he cannot make others (even his girlfriend) stupider to make himself feel better. That was my point.

Your boy(just that) seems very insecure. You should have him work on that or just upgrade to a better man, you shouldn't have to dumb yourself down for anyone. Personally I'd like it if my gf is smarter then me, less stressful that way.

I used to do this... best break up I ever had!

novapine 19

YDI if you have to hide your intelligence because your boyfriend feels inferior. Its not your fault that you are smarter in cases and you shouldn't have to feel obligated so your bf won't have a bruised ego.

BJA_fml 4

It would be time for him to go. You deserve someone who is not threatened by someone who has a little more knowledge than him about some things. I'm sure he would not "pretend" to be dumb about a subject to make you feel better. Men like that deserve to be alone in life.

I agree don't do that! He should be proud and not intimidated by your intelligence