By Colbasaur - 24/06/2010 14:29 - United States

Today, I won an academic award during an assembly. Everyone laughed, followed by booing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 390
You deserved it 4 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mesnugglez 0

So at least you won your reward!

They're just jealous that your such a genius.


people are assholes! just know later in life those are the ones whose careers will include serving you fries. f them op, good for u!

jademariie 0

That Is so true 26, I am 100% with you there! You guys there are stuck up and self-centered no offence to good ones. P.S if you know who you are you won't get offended. :-)

starDragon_fml 0

good for you when your in college then getting a good paying job they will be the dumb ***** on the corner without a job or a life lol

iamtheplatypus 0

hahaha sucks to be you ******

I thumbed up you just because of your picture. CORRECT use of punctuation marks ftw.

ciaracustard 0

This is why I hate school - it's not learning, it's teenagers.

ghm1234 0

I think I know this guy. he annoyed everybody, hit people, and got people pissed off so they would hurt him so he could tell the principle. that guy was a jackass.

gossip_girl23 0

its not a bed thing to be academic!