By Anonymous - 19/06/2015 19:00 - United States

Today, I woke up to the sound of 4 gunshots from downstairs. I screamed, hid under the bed in tears and called the cops. Turned out my boyfriend hadn't been murdered by a burglar like I thought - he'd found a tarantula in our living room and decided to feed it a face full of lead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 972
You deserved it 3 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, I don't see a better solution than the one your boyfriend found.

You're lucky he didn't try to burn down the house...


Hadley2 3

Good god I hope you don't plan to have children with an idiot like that.

middlenamefrank 8

I have to admit....not sure what I'd resort to if I found a tarantula in my living room. Yes, I'm a man, and yes, shoes, frying pans, lots of things are options, but you have to get CLOSE to the thing to use those options. I'd be looking for some sort of long-range missile type weapon too.

that sounds like me only more barbaric screaming, cursing, and fire. also i would have fired the whole clip

why would u scream if theirs an intruder?

I think this as a more than acceptable response. If it were me I'd probably firebomb the house.

I think I would have taken the gun from him, emptied the remaining bullets and smacked him with it. My advice for future reference.

Come on now, we've been over the spider issue many times. You see a spider, you burn the house down/drive the car off a cliff into a fiery explosion, the end.

Must have been a huge spider.. It was probably trying to take the television lol