By ugh - 14/06/2011 17:56 - United States

Today, I woke up to a homeless man relentlessly shitting on my porch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 691
You deserved it 3 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

garrettcodd 0

the worst part is you can't go shit on his porch...


mbrooks5110 0

don't you just hate it when that happens?!

I, for one, think that this is the best use of the word relentlessly,] that I've ever heard.

katiejanelle42 5

Well, OP if you were in Texas you would be able to shoot him (: Yay Castle Law. Lol, we actually almost had to do that cause my dads crazy ex came and started throwing shit on our lawn and yeah, one of those times I wish we owned a gun. /: But nooo you're in Louisana, and that sucks for you so FYL.

TheDrifter 23

The castle law only applies if they are threatening you. On a side note, in the state of Louisiana you can shoot a man for loitering on your porch.

xavier1623 4

If you scared him, you coulda scared him out of 10 years worth of shit!

ChuckNorrisBeard 0

wanna put that in the cool story box?

I wouldn't even be mad. He has no home where he can poop in solitude, let him poop in peace.