By liveforpeace_ - 28/04/2009 06:27 - Canada

Today, I went up to a secluded mountain my boyfriend took me to for our first date. As I saw another couple hooking up in the bushes, I phoned my boyfriend to tell him someone found our secret spot. His Bob Marley ringtone started playing from the bush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 235 377
You deserved it 13 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aouch.. poor you.. Well at least you know where you stand with this worm of a man.... And, btw, sorry to have to say that, but get yourself checked for STD, such a loser may have fooled around without protection...

don't worry about a thing because every little thing is gonna be alright


tick_tock 0

That really sucks you should have gone over there and kicked his ass.

I really hope you pushed them off the mountain. Hopefully a bear came and ate them both.

maybe he didnt consider you two bf/gf, and you're just a crazy stalker. CREEPER! maybe YOU were the other girl? shitty buzz though..really.

You confronted him,right? Please tell me you did. If not you are an idiot. And your boyfriend is an idiot aswell.

#12, I wonder what it would be like to have reading comprehension such as yours. Assume much?

At least you know now your bf is a douche right? #15- When you get out of middle school, you'll realize you silly your comment sounds

Now that's what you call a sign, i mean what are the odds of that happening? The forces were with you! Hope you leave that douchebag! All the best hey, sorry... Btw, what happened, did he answer? Wish we could hear what happens after to some of these FMLs!

FreedomFirst 0

That really stinks, but be glad you caught him.

How did you have phone service on a secluded mountain? Least you found out sooner than later. That sucks though.