By Tibblesthepengwin - 14/02/2010 17:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to the store to buy a new lego set, only to find there weren't any left in stock. I started crying before I could make it out of the store. Oh, and I'm eighteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 542
You deserved it 46 446

Same thing different taste


Well...thats...ummmm. Very Sad? I think you shouldn't play with legos if you cry over them? Thats my opinion. I'm sorry to say this, but my little five year old brother stopped playing with Legos a while ago too....ummmm, you should get a life or something....

Even on my worst pms days (crying spells ftw) I have never cried over a store not having something in stock. Maybe you were having a really bad day and this was just the last kick in the face for you, I don't know.. but it sounds more like you just being childish. There comes a time when you need to grow up, and hopefully this clued you in.

ajallday 0


iluvninjas 0

its okay to cry over legos wen ur 5. but wen ur 18, not so much. you fail.

get a life your 18 and its a freaking lego set