By Anonymous - 21/05/2012 11:40 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to the orthodontist's to get my braces tightened, and I chose baby blue bands. Turns out they make my teeth look extremely yellow. Only a month and a half to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 724
You deserved it 4 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... That I would not recommend putting in your mouth.


flashback.miss 28

Blue and yellow? Uh.. maybe try to pass it off by saying you're going for the Ukrainian flag effect?.. but joking aside, yikes. if you cant change them just try to make the best of it and enjoy a better smile in less than two months :)

I used to get baby blue all the time, it never made my teeth look yellow. And I have white on right now and my teeth definitely don't look yellow. Maybe OP just actually has yellow teeth...

snator 0

You are truly brilliant. Thats what I am going to do of that happens to me one day!

Don't smile. Don't talk. That's all I suggest

Then what does the chrome yellow bands make your teeth look like?

The bands don't make your teeth look yellow, your teeth look yellow because your teeth are yellow and you need to learn how to properly brush your teeth

clarissasyima 7

Some people have naturally yellow teeth that wasn't caused by not brushing their teeth..

nitemastr15 17

Get black next time. I chose black when I had braces and they made my teeth look really white because of the contrast. Trust me.

Rocky007 15

Choose as sports team whose colours are blue and yellow. Cheer for them. Tell everyone that was your plan all along.