By LoLLightning - 27/06/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, I went to Burger King. I was sipping the drink and put it on my window sill to save for later. I fell asleep, and when I woke up my mouth was dry. I took a sip and felt something go into my mouth. Thinking it was an ice cube, I bit down on it. It was not an ice cube. It was a cockroach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 402
You deserved it 14 630

LoLLightning tells us more.

LoLLightning 0

OP here, okay for all of those who are retarded and have never tried to submit an FML before, you only get 300 characters. Most people can put together that I got my food, went home, and put the drink on my window sill and fell asleep. I wasn't exactly thinking that the ice melted when I was more than half asleep and thirsty. I'm sorry that I can't describe my experience in intricate detail for all the retards that don't understand normal human talk. Thank you very much.


RubieTuesdayT 0

besides everybody else being right, what about the simple fact that a cockroach wouldnt fit through a straw..

NewNewXOMuah 0

Thts so disgusting :X >__< YUCK !

i just had one of those little girl freak outs... ew ew ew ew ew!

EWWWWWW!!!! I JUST DIED A LITTLE INSIDE, THATS SO GROSS!!!!... did it taste good???(((:

lollovelife0304 3

How can you fall asleep at Burger King??