By fuck kids - 06/06/2013 18:24 - United States - Binghamton

Today, I went to a water park with a group of friends. As I went down the water slide, some complete turd waffle of a kid in the water kicked his leg out in line with my crotch. The moment I hit the bottom was the moment I think I became sterile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 390
You deserved it 3 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This will be one hell of a story you can tell your kids when you're old. Oh wait...

TheVoicesTalk 3

The fact that OP said 'turd waffle' to describe the kid kills me.


Yikes! Karma will definitely get this kid! Hope the pain is better now.

So maybe karma was what got OP into this situation! Maybe when he was a turd waffle he kicked someone's crouch? No?

vanessa09865 23

well the world is at a loss now. I literally LOL'ed. Sad that the world won't have more funny people

The turd waffle name just made my day. Thank you for that, OP. Lol Now on the ********, that was ditty of that kid. Hopefully he was kicked out of the park later on at the least. Maybe go to the doctor about it?

Sober1128 9

Turd waffle. Don't think I've heard that one before.

That'll be a good story to tell your kids someday! No, wait...

And then you set a crazy three stooges like domino effect off right?

So you drowned the kid in the pool right? I hope you did anyway, nut shots are no laughing matter :(

Just hold said turd waffle under untill the thrashing almost stops. Then "rescue" him from drowning. Payback and you're a hero!

tehdarkness 21

so I was looking at your name and I thought it was kinda funny bc now you can't **** anyone, especially kids *not caring about thumbs down that I'm about to get*

CharresBarkrey 15

He can still have sex. Just because someone is sterile doesn't mean they can't still penetrate something.