By sweet92 - 15/05/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, I went to a store to buy pants for a new job. A really hot guy helped me get a pair down from a high shelf so I could try them on. He had flirted with me so I hurried in the fitting room so I could go talk to him. Note to self: Check to see if you have pants on after trying on clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 003
You deserved it 53 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably only increased your chances with that dude. Unless your legs were hairy. Or lack knee caps. No good.


lol I've lost my bra in the dressing room before. I was trying on bras and I took off the last possible bra, put on my t-shirt, and walked out to see lots of people staring at me. I'm a DDD cup.

blland 0

#21 - this IS an epic fail!

DieselGirl 0

and this is why you always check to make sure you have all your clothes on, i have done this, but luckily it was jus out my front door, then i got a chill and realized i was missing my pants. FYL deffinatly!!!

ZiggyMorrison 0

So I take it your not a fan of foreplay? or first dates?

ok guys, yes it is possible. if you're thinking about something else, absent-mindedness can make you forget a lot of things. i've almost walked out of a changing room without a shirt on many times, it's really not that hard to forget if you're thinking about something else.

Seti_fml 0

How does this even happen? I mean really.

Well, usually us males can't tell when a woman is interested (we only think they are when they aren't). You left him without a single question about it.

porcupunk 0

as long as you did not have granny panties on, should not be a problem...