By Anonymous - 19/06/2017 08:41 - United States - Spring Hill

Today, I found out that my divorced father is moving 3 houses down the street with his girlfriend, with whom he cheated on my mom. He will now be living 3 houses away from my mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 172
You deserved it 392

TheDword tells us more.

TheDword 9

Hey guys OP here, i cant believe this got featured especially as incoherent as i thnk it is. To answer some questions i do kinda wish that they would get back together but it really was a mess of a family. As pathetic as it sounds i am living with my gf and her family since my mother, who knows that he is going to live there, currently lives with her mother and its rather packed. The house my father is going to live in was our old house. Dad got custody of that. Fortunately neither get custody of me since i am 19. Ty for all your support!

Top comments

This is literally the plot of that Reba McIntire show.

So, do you live with your mom, or does she live 6 houses down? Hey, maybe your dad will cheat on his girlfriend with your mom and all will be back to normal!


Winchesterbride 9

best husband of the year goes to...

It's a multi-billion way tie for every husband who is not that guy!

So, do you live with your mom, or does she live 6 houses down? Hey, maybe your dad will cheat on his girlfriend with your mom and all will be back to normal!

zackhoch7219 3

Next up on Jerry Springer Street...

This is literally the plot of that Reba McIntire show.

Many people barely know the next-door neighbor, much less someone 3 doors away. This is actually much more convenient for you than if he lived all the way across the city, or across the country. Cheating is deplorable; at the same time, none of us know the details of a relationship.

The worst part about having divorced parents is their knack for dragging their kids into their sh!t. Sorry OP.

Has he not learned anything from Ludacris? Gotta keep hoes in different area codes!

How is this your problem? Let your Mom and your Dad run their own lives, it's not for you to fix.

TheDword 9

Divorced parents never leave their kids uninvolved. It never turns out like on rv :(

Talis99 26
mr_king84 5

Not to be that guy but it could be worse.

TheDword 9

it could be. but considering mom just had cancer removed from her lung and dad is suffering from something on his spinal cord. its pretty bad as it is. j mean i know there are worse cases out there. but as it stands this is probly the biggest fiasco in my life thus far