By Anonymous - 24/02/2013 17:36 - United States

Today, I went sledding with my friends. I said I was tired and didn't want to go, but they press-ganged me into it. I ended up sledding right into a tree, fracturing my leg, and scraping up my entire face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 953
You deserved it 5 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seansbro56 10

When you were going down did they tell you "break a leg" for encouragement.

Let that be a lesson to you, OP- Yielding to peer pressure is a bad idea! It NEVER turns out well!!


"come oooon, what's the worst that can happen?"

mokielove 10

should have put your foot down and said no.

Your sledding skills appear to be at Noob status.

I always thought it was spelt sledging? Is that another UK English difference or did OP spell it wrong?

isn't that what I said DoubleBlumpkin? Here it's spelt the way I wrote it. I wondered if it was another UK English - American English difference. Such as Aeroplane and Airplane are.

I've always thought it was sledging too! But I think it can be either, as sled and sledge are apparently slightly different things.

Mmm...all that peer-pressure. What did your mother tell you about that!?

Could I please have the origin of the word?

I suggest you learn how to say no, and how to steer a sled. Also, maybe find a hill without trees?

ntiger8705 2

Nothing like peer pressure. If you REALLY didn't want to go no amount of pressure would have changed your mind. Weak.

Thr33to16 8

And bow you're on FML throwing a pity party. Cute.