By Ella - 29/05/2012 05:14 - United States

Today, I went on a 7-hour plane flight. For 3 hours I had a bloody nose. When it finally stopped, I sneezed. It started to bleed again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 527
You deserved it 2 117

Same thing different taste


This happened to me, as well... I have massive nosebleeds from a bundle of capillaries called a hymangioma (can't spell it, sorry). Flying in a plane can seriously irritate it. It happened for nearly 4 hours on & off during my honeymoon flight. Use some moisturizing nasal spray next time.

I'll let you in on a little trick, Afrin and cotton balls. When your nose starts bleeding, spray your nostril three times with the Afrin and jam a cotton ball up it to dam the blood. after five to ten minutes, pull the cotton ball out and repeat.

knoxxx 22

FML from the person sitting next to you: Today I had a 7-hour plane flight. The person sitting next to me had a 7-hour nose bleed. FML.

At altitude you are more likely to get a nose bleed and if you do get one or any cut it will bleed more than normal due to the pressure "pushing out" the blood. Nothin to worry about. :)

Chick7749 0

At least it was on a plane, I had non-stop bleeding at school.

I've been to Fiji 2 and half hours on first plane 13 hours in the second!!! Fun trip been to Fiji like 8 times

Whoa.. If your nose bleeds more than 20 mins youre supposed to see a doctor for too much blood loss