By HiImAlfredo - 14/09/2014 18:47 - United States - Hampton

Today, I went deep-sea fishing with my friends. I told them my new phone case is waterproof, and I showed them by pouring a bit of water on it. My friend decided to throw it in the water for a better example. The case didn't float. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 049
You deserved it 7 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you need to throw your friend overboard and find out if he floats.


Ya see, this is why we can't have nice things.

Damnit! It's all your friends fault!! I wanted to get some nice things this week... Me sad now...

How exciting! Maybe someday, thousands of years from now, your phone will be unearthed by archaeologists who will call it an artifact. :O

You kinda just copied what two other people said.....

Why weren't you too busy catching fish. Should ask your guide for your money back. should be able to use it to buy a me phone.

I would invest in a case that floated but I don't think that will be in production anytime soon

Lifeproof already made it for iPhones as an accessory for their cases.

The worst part about this is that it was "deep" sea fishing. Stick to the clear ponds with your stupid friend next time ;)

Next time?? Shoooot. I would a) never let my "friend" even look at my phone again and b) never grace him with the amazing activity of fishing with me again either. Bastard >:I

Don't worry. Its a gift from you to SpongeBob.

Even if you found it there's this thing called most cases are only water resistant to a certain depth typically 1m.