By bitch - 07/10/2013 07:37 - Australia

Today, I was working behind the bar at a club. After serving drinks to a guy, he asked me if I could carry them outside to the two girls waiting for him. I scowled at him and told him I wasn't a waitress. That's when I realised he had one arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 527
You deserved it 56 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I understand your frustration, but there really was no need to scowl and snap at him. People deserve some courtesy.

I feel obligated to click YDI just because you replied so rudely. I completely understand where you're coming from when asked to help carry his drinks, but there's no need to snap at the poor guy.


I actually voted yes on this story while it was in the moderating process *wipes tear from eye* congrats OP

"Today, I went to a club and bought drinks for two girls I met. Only having one arm, I politely asked the bartender to carry them for me. The bartender then scowled at me not realizing I only had one arm. FML"

My father worked as a bartender throughout college to pay for his schooling. He watched countless other bartenders get fired because they acted superior to the waitstaff or were rude to customers. One man lost his job because he was rude to the niece of the owner and called her something equivalent to a "butter faced beer monkey." You could simply have explained it is against policy to leave the bar. Or try to flag someone down.

perdix 29

Don't be nasty to strangers -- they could be armed:)

perdix 29

A one-armed guy with two girls waiting for him? Don't you just have to investigate that? What can he do to compensate for the lack of hugging?

That was kind of mean, even if he frustrated you. You can politely say why you won't carry them out. But that's a bitchy thing to do, even to a guy with 2 arms.

That's kind of a bitchy thing to say, even to a guy with both arms.

What I took from this FML: 1) You treated the guy as you would have treated any other person; disabled or not. 2) You were working on a public holiday (at least it was in QLD). 3) You may have been overworked. 4) You do care about people and are not a complete bogan. 5) it don't matter if you have one arm, you still get chicks only if you pay for them.. Probably getting those chicks the expensive drinks at your place is what cost the guy an arm and a leg. BTW you didn't see his missing leg ;-)