By pinkrazrgirl247 - 03/07/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street, when a man behind me tapped me on the shoulder. He gave a $5 bill and said that he thought I had dropped it. Not having the integrity to turn him down, I took it. I spent the next 20 minutes being chased by a crazy hobo who claimed that it was his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 434
You deserved it 52 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI why didn't you give it to him if it wasn't yours to begin with? YDI.

You shoulda just given him the 5 bucks...a homeless person is gonna need that more than you so YDI jackass


EmmaMarieCullen 0

so you ran from a hobo for 20 mins just for 5 bucks? wow YDI

five bucks.... you ran away from a hobo for five bucks? money that you didn't even earn?

Sexmabob 0

Dont be takin hobos money! theyll do anything to get it back!

MyLifeIsAverageS 5

9: giving it back????? we dont even know if it was the hobo who asked her. so just shut up

miZscrZee 0

OMGSH! it was a hobo's! GIVE IT BACK to him. It's not like he has anything else.

kealylovesyou 0

I got a mental image of this... I laughed for 10 min straight!

kealylovesyou 0

Ok maybe thi person was afraid that if she stopped running he would attack her! She woulde prolly given it back in the first place if he wouldn't come runnin towards her. And it was obviously a prank because a random man gave it to her... Randomly.. So you guys should just chill out

vballgirl22 0

You should of been a nice person and told the guy it wasn't yours. Then he would of been chased down by a hobo. Not you dumby.

He would've bought beer anyway. rightfully yours

BlackBlazeCobra 16

This is a definite FYL. Homeless people are usually the ones buying alcohol or drugs instead of food. Give a homeless person food, not money.