By librarygirl - 13/08/2009 00:34 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at the library. A kid came up and asked me to help him peel the back off his sticker. It took me so long the kid left. Determined, I still tried to peel it off. Fifteen minutes later, the librarian came over, looked once at it, and told me it wasn't a sticker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 179
You deserved it 41 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought you were going end it with, "It was the sticker that set off the alarm. I aided a kid in stealing a library book." Oh well.


that's a nice prank that kid did. hahahaaaa i should try it on my friends some time, get 2 pieces of paper glue them together and ask my friend to peel it off for me. anyway i'm assuming the kid knew it wasn't a sticker and wanted to trick you. haha! funny one (:

it wasn't a sticker on or in the book everyone. the kid asked him to peel the back off of a sticker. You know, that pesku wax back that you have to use your nails to start it going and takes forever just to get a corner started?

Ok. YDI anyway, for being dumb and wasting time even when it became totally unnecessary. Unless this means you have a really serious case of OCD. At which point yeah, FYL. That shit is generally unfortunate.

Your powers of observation are outstanding! Maybe, you need to walk the streets a bit instead of sit and read... but then again, no one said common sense was all too common.