By fatcat - 05/09/2018 16:30 - United States - Tulsa

Today, I was told to stop processing certain transactions at work because I'd tried to make rich people follow the same tax rules that we force poor people to follow to the letter. I'm guessing it won't be too long till I'm fired and blacklisted from this career I've had ten years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 129
You deserved it 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you have integrity OP. thank you and I greatly admire you.

Zekfen 17

Get it in writing or recorded and then send evidence to IRS/FBI as a whistle blower. If they prosecute it you can get some $$, you welcome!


you have integrity OP. thank you and I greatly admire you.

Jorn van der Ar 13

From the information given we can't have any clou if the OP has integrity or lack of competence. The FML does not even tell us whether he works rof the IRS or spmwhere else. Nor whether his position entitles him to to chose the tax ruls to apply.

That shit might have flown when Obama was president, but nowadays, we don’t have to hide it that rich people are better than the rest of us.

This sounds like a whistleblower kind of thing.

Zekfen 17

Get it in writing or recorded and then send evidence to IRS/FBI as a whistle blower. If they prosecute it you can get some $$, you welcome!

Because that certainly won’t cost him his career. SMH

Zekfen 17

So better to let them get away with breaking the laws and when eventually caught get prosecuted for knowing about it and not saying anything about it and participating in it? How stupid can you get? SMDH

Umm what kind of bullshit is that time to report your boss 😐🙄😒

It was definitely his boss who made him do that though

The bitter truth is rules are made by the riches

PenguinPal3017 19

I really want to know the details here.

Et voila, our shitty economy in a nutshell.